Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fairytales... & masquerades

I feel like Cinderella.

But there's no ball. There's no Prince Charming. There's no evil Step-mother.

There's just a whole bunch of shit I don't want to do. Like clean. And exercise. And... well anything that doesn't involve laying in bed all day with the covers over my head.

I hate to sound like a broken record. But I feel like this is the only place I can express myself freely. Take off all my masks and not have to pretend to be okay and doing just fine and not upset about anything.

This week I've been called a Debbie Downer and a Negative Nancy but someone I thought I could trust being my true self with. I thought I could tell this person how I honestly felt about my everyday with out being ridiculed.

So lately I've been keeping to myself. Occasionally allowing myself to be vulnerable for brief fleeting moments. The masks sometime get heavy and exhausting. Good thing I'm exercising... At least this leads me to believe there's a point to it.

God I need a break...

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