Saturday, March 19, 2016


There is a darkness in all of us.

It's there. Trust  me. 

My darkness runs deep. It starts in my brain and I can feel it dripping down my entire body. My shoulders and neck start to hurt. My chest then feels tight. I feel it as soon as it comes on. I can tell when it's going to be one I can shrug off. And I know when it's going to completely consume me.


My darkness has been winning. My demons have taken full control of my brain and all I can think about is how unhappy and miserable I am in my life.

All I can manage to do some days is get out of bed, wash my behind, and get back IN bed. Some days I honestly don't want to leave bed. Some days I don't even want to wake up. But... I do. I keep waking up... hoping things will be different. Usually they're not. But one can dream .

I am exhausted.
I am exhausted pass levels that days worth of sleep can even cure.

This life stuff... I don't know if I'm cut out for it anymore...

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